Hello everyone, ESL CYBER LISTENING LAB is a website used to learn listening material for teachers and students. Discussion Questions Easy (Recall and Comprehend): 1. What is the story about? A Bear - Y Scary Camping Trip 2.Where did the friends go camping? They are go to camping in the Utah mountains. 3. What did the friends hear while they were roasting marshmallows? they heard rustling in the bushes Intermediate (Analyze and Interpret): 1. How did the friends react when they saw the moose? the friends quickly scrambled to their tents to play it safe. 2.What happened when the friends stumbled upon the grizzly bear? The friends ran as fast as they could, but the bear was gaining on them. 3. What did Lisa suggest they do when they were trapped by the bear? Lisa had an idea. A really terrible idea! She remembered the waterfall they had seen earlier and suggested the wacky idea of jumping off the cliff and into the pool below. Advanced (Analyze and Interpret): 1. How can we balance our d...